The "Izu-komochi-shida" (Woodwardia x izuensis) belongs to the family Blechnaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is found on the Izu Peninsula of Shizuoka Prefecture in Honshu, and in Kumamoto Prefecture in Kyushu. It is an interspecific hybrid between "Oriental chain fern" (Woodwardia orientalis) and "Jewelled chain fern" (Woodwardia unigemmata), and is found where the presumptive mother species grows mixed. The leaves are bipinnate compound, green, glossy, and thickly leathery. The leaf blade may exceed 1 m in length. Soras (sporangia) are dashed on both sides of the midrib of pinnules. It is characterized by the presence of adventitious buds at the tips of the leaves and on the upper surface of the leaves as well.