
キンポウゲ科オダマキ属の多年草で、学名は Aquilegia flabellata var. flabellata。英名は Aquilegia、Columbine。
The Aquilegia (Aquilegia flabellata var. flabellata) belongs to Ranunculaceae (the Buttercup family). It is a perennial herb that is a horticultural variety improved from "Miyama-odamaki", which is distributed from Chubu region in Honshu north to Hokkaido in Japan. It grows to a height of 20 to 30 cm. The leaves are 2 times triternate compound and have long petioles. From April to June, the flower stalks grow and produce blue-purple or white flowers. The Japanese name is derived from the similarity of the flower shape to ramie, which was once upon a time spun and wrapped around hemp or stem steams.