
‚킪‘‚Ì–{B‚©‚çŽl‘E‹ãBA‚»‚ê‚É’©‘N”¼“‡‚â’†‘A“ŒƒAƒWƒA‚ÉL‚•ª•z‚µ‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B“c‚ñ‚ڂ̔Ȃâ–쌴‚È‚ÇA‚â‚⎼‚Á‚½‚Æ‚±‚ë‚ɶ‚¦A‚‚³‚Í‚Q‚O`‚U‚OƒZƒ“ƒ`‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·B‘S‘Ì‚É•š–Ñ‚ª‚ ‚èAŽÎ‚ß‚É—§‚¿ã‚ª‚è‚Ü‚·BŒs‚̉º•”‚Ì—t‚ÍA¶ó‚Ì‚To•¡—t‚Å‚·B‚SŒŽ‚©‚ç‚UŒŽ‚²‚ëAŒs‚Ìæ’[‚ɉ©F‚¢‰Ô‚ðç‚©‚¹‚Ü‚·B‰ÊŽÀ‚ÍŠŒF‚Ì‘‰‰Ê‚ÅA‚¢‚¿‚²ó‰Ê‚É‚Í‚È‚è‚Ü‚¹‚ñB’†‘–¼‚Å‚ÍuŽÖŠÜˆÏ—ËØishe han wei ling caijvB
ƒoƒ‰‰ÈƒLƒWƒ€ƒVƒ‘®‚Ì‘½”N‘‚ÅAŠw–¼‚Í Potentilla sundaica var. robusta (syn. Potentilla anemonifoliaAPotentilla kleiniana)B‰p–¼‚Í Five-leaf cinquefoilB
The Five-leaf cinquefoil (Potentilla sundaica var. robusta) belongs Rosaceae (the Rose family). It is a perennial herb that is widely distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, China, and East Asia. It grows in rather moist places such as rice paddies and fields, and grows 20 to 60 cm tall. The entire plant has downy hairs and rises obliquely. The lower leaves on the stem are palmately pentafoliate. The yellow flowers bloom at the stem end from April to June. The fruit is a brown achene that does not form an etaerio. The Chinese name is "ŽÖŠÜˆÏ—ËØ" (she han wei ling cai).
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