おかすみれ (丘菫) [Index] [Back]

Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima

Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima

Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima

Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima

Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima

Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima

スミレ科スミレ属の多年草で、学名は Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima。英名はありません。 
"Oka-sumire" (Viola phalacrocarpa f. glaberrima) belongs to Violaceae (the Viola family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China and Siberia. This herb grows in sunny wood edges and roadsides, and can reach 5-10 cm in height. The leaves are spatulate, long-deltoid or long-ovate. The bright magenta flowers bloom from April to May. It is devided that the spurs are elongate and the bases of lateral petals are covered thickly hairs. It is not pubescent on its peducle and leaves, different from "Akane-sumire" (Viola phalacrocarpa). 
[上・中1〜2] 群馬県六合(くに)村生須にて、2009年04月25日撮影。
[中3〜4・下] 福島県いわき市「往生山」にて、2014年04月05日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro