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Diplazium nipponicum

Diplazium nipponicum

Diplazium nipponicum

Diplazium nipponicum

わが国の本州から四国・九州、それに中国の浙江省に分布しています。山地のやや湿り気のある林内に生え、高さは70〜120センチになります。根茎は太く、長く這います。栄養葉は2回〜3回羽状複葉で、長さは1.3メートルにもなります。葉柄の基部に、黒褐色から茶褐色で狭披針形の鱗片がつきます。胞子嚢群は線形で、中肋寄りにつきます。中国語では「日本双盖蕨(ri ben shuang gai jue)」と呼ばれます。
イワデンタ科ヘラシダ属の常緑性または夏緑性シダで、学名は Diplazium nipponicum。英名はありません。 
The "Oni-hikage-warabi" (Diplazium nipponicum) belongs to the family Woodsiaceae. It is an evergreen or summer-green fern that is native from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu, as well as Zhejiang in China. This fern grows in wettish mountain forests, and it can reach 70-120 cm in height. The rhizome is thick and creeping long. The fertile fronds are biternate to triternate compound, and about 1.3 m long. The blackish-brown to brownish-red, narrow lanceolate scales are borne at the base of petioles. The sponrangia bands are linear and arrnaged near the rachises. In Chinese, it is called "日本双盖蕨" (ri ben shuang gai jue).

Shu Suehiro