おおあまくさしだ (大天草羊歯)

Pteris semipinnata

Pteris semipinnata

Pteris semipinnata

わが国の屋久島以南から台湾、それに中国や東南アジア、インドに分布しています。大型のシダで、葉の長さは70〜80センチになります。根茎は長く匍匐し、先端には黒褐色の鱗片があります。葉身は2回羽状深裂から全裂で、側羽片は3〜8対あり、後ろ側には小羽片をつけます。胞子嚢群は線形で、裂片の辺縁につきます。台湾華語では「半邊羽裂鳳尾蕨」、中国語では「半邊旗(ban bian qi)」と呼ばれます。
イノモトソウ科イノモトソウ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Pteris semipinnata (syn. Pteris dimidiata)。英名は Semi-pinnate brake。 
The Semi-pinnate brake (Pteris semipinnata) belongs to the family Pteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is It is distributed from Yakushima Island in Japan south to Taiwan, as well as in China, Southeast Asia, and India. It is a large fern with leaves 70 to 80 cm long. The rhizome is long and creeping, with blackish brown scales at the tip. The leaf blade has two deeply pinnate to fully lobed with three to eight pairs of lateral pinnae and pinnules on the back. The sorus is linear and attached to the margins of the lobes. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "半邊羽裂鳳尾蕨", and in Chinese, "半邊旗" (ban bian qi). 

Shu Suehiro