おおあざみ (大薊)

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

Silybum marianum

キク科オオアザミ属の二年草で、学名は Silybum marianum。英名は Milk thistle。
The Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a biennial herb that is native to southern Europe through to Asia. It is now found throughout the world. This plant can reach 1-2 m in height, and the leaves are large with acute spines. The pale magenta flower-heads bloom upright from May to June. The fruits have been used in cases of liver diseases. The seeds contain approximately 4-6 % silymarin (a flavonolignan complex). It is also called "Saint Mary's thistle", which name is derived from a legend that the leaf mottles were caused by the spilled breast milk of Virgin Mary.
[上] アメリカ・カリフォルニア州フレモント市にて、2004年04月11日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)
[中1・中2] 京都市左京区「京都府立植物園」にて、2005年05月16日撮影。
[中3・中4] 同上にて、2006年10月25日撮影。
[中5・下] アメリカ・カリフォルニア州「パシフィックグローブ」にて、2009年06月12日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro