おおいたちしだ (大鼬羊歯) [Index] [Back]

Dryopteris pacifica

Dryopteris pacifica

Dryopteris pacifica

Dryopteris pacifica

Dryopteris pacifica

わが国の本州、東北地方南部から四国・九州、それに朝鮮半島や中国に分布しています。低山の林縁などに生え、高さは50〜120センチになります。葉は2回羽状複葉で、先端はやや急に細くなります。羽片は10〜15対あり、ふつう線状披針形です。ソーラスは小型で、小羽片の中肋と辺縁の中間か、やや辺縁寄りにつきます。中国語では「太平鱗毛蕨(tai ping lin mao jue)」と呼ばれます。
オシダ科オシダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Dryopteris pacifica。英名はありません。
The "Oo-itachi-shida" (Dryopteris pacifica) belongs to the family Dryopteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is native from southern Tohoku district of Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula and China. This herb grows in forest edges of low mountains, and it can reach 50-120 cm in height. The leaves are bipinnate and which having steepish tips. They have 10-15 pairs of pinnae which are usually linear lanceolate. The sori are small and arranged in intermediate between rachis and frond edges or near the frond edges. In Chinese, it is called "太平鱗毛蕨" (tai ping lin mao jue).

Shu Suehiro