おおいたやめいげつ (大板屋名月)

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

Acer shirasawanum

カエデ科カエデ属の落葉高木で、学名は Acer shirasawanum。英名は Fullmoon maple。 
The Fullmoon maple (Acer shirasawanum) belongs to Aceraceae (the Maple family). It is an endemic species of Japan, and distributed westward from Miyagi prefecture of Honshu to Shikoku. This tree grows in deciduous forests of low mountains and it can reach 5-10 m in height. The bark is dark gray or dark brown and smooth. The leaves are palmately divided into 9-13 leaflets with doubly serrate margins. They are hardish foreign papery. The pale flowers bloom in May, and the leaves are turn yellow to red in fall. The Japanese name comes from the fact that this species was called "Itaya" or "Meigetsu" during the Edo period (1603-1868).
[上・中1〜2] 長野県上村「下栗の里」にて、2002年11月03日撮影。
[中3〜中7] 福島県檜枝岐村「台倉高山」にて、2014年09月21日撮影。
[中8〜中10] 栃木県那須町湯本「那須平成の森」にて、2017年06月08日撮影。
[中11〜中14] 長野県小海町稲子にて、2018年05月18日撮影。
[中15・下] 岐阜県郡上市高鷲町「牧歌の里」にて、2018年11月01日撮影。

Shu Suehiro