おおみねいわへご (大峰岩へご) [Index] [Back]

Dryopteris lunanensis

Dryopteris lunanensis

Dryopteris lunanensis

わが国の本州、奈良県と三重県それに中国の中部やヒマラヤ周辺に分布しています。山地の林床に生え、高さは80センチほどになります。葉は単羽状複葉で黄緑色、光沢はなく、草質です。「いわへご」に似ていますが、羽片基部の裂片が羽軸まで切れ込むのが特徴です。葉柄基部の鱗片は黒褐色です。ソーラスは羽片の中肋両側に1列に並びます。わが国のレッドブックでは、絶滅危惧TA類 (CR) に分類されています。中国語では「路南鱗毛蕨(lu nan lin mao jue)」と呼ばれます。
オシダ科オシダ属の常緑性シダ類で、学名は Dryopteris lunanensis。英名はありません。
The "Oomine-iwa-hego" (Dryopteris lunanensis) belongs to the family Dryopteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed in Nara and Mie prefectures on Honshu in Japan, the central part of China, and the Himalayas. It grows on the forest floor in mountainous areas and grows to a height of around 80 cm. The leaves are pinnate compound that are yellowish-green in color, have no luster, and are herbaceous. It is similar to "Iwa-hego", but the pinnae at the base of the pinna are characteristic in that they cut into the rachis. The scales at the base of the petiole are blackish brown. The sorus is arranged in a single row on both sides of the midrib of the pinna. In Japan, it is classified as a critically endangered species (CR) in the Red Book. In Chinese, it is called "路南鱗毛蕨" (lu nan lin mao jue).

Shu Suehiro