おおすぎごけ (大杉苔)

Polytrichum formosum

Polytrichum formosum

スギゴケ科スギゴケ属の蘚類で、学名は Polytrichum formosum。英名はありません。
The "Oo-sugi-goke" (Polytrichum formosum) belongs to the family Leucobryaceae. It is a bryophyte that is commonly distributed throughout Japan. It is the most popular moss used in Japanese gardens and is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye from "Hair cap moss", which is very similar. The stem is 5 to 20 cm tall and unbranched. The leaves spread when wet and bud when dry. This moss provides most of the elements necessary for its growth through photosynthesis by supplying moisture from the air.

Shu Suehiro