おおはなわらび (大花蕨) [Index] [Back]

Botrychium japonicum

Botrychium japonicum

Botrychium japonicum

わが国の本州、東北地方中部以南から四国・九州、それに台湾や朝鮮半島、中国に分布しています。山地の林床にやや希に生え、高さは20〜50センチになります。葉は年1回だして、夏は枯れます。栄養葉は3回羽状複葉で暗緑色、やや厚くて草質です。胞子葉は栄養葉より長く、上部につく胞子嚢穂は2回羽状に分岐し、円錐状に丸い胞子嚢をつけます。台湾華語では「台灣大陰地蕨」、中国語では「華東陰地蕨(hua dong yin di jue)」と呼ばれます。
イワヒバ科イワヒバ属の冬緑性シダ類で、学名は Botrychium japonicum (syn. Sceptridium japonicum)。英名はありません。
The "Oo-hana-warabi" (Botrychium japonicum) belongs to Selaginellaceae (the Spikemoss family). It is a winter-green fern that is distributed from the central Tohoku region of Honshu southward to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. It grows rather sparsely on the forest floor in mountainous areas and is 20 to 50 cm tall. Leaves are produced once a year and wither in summer. The sterile fronds are three times pinnate, dark green, somewhat thick, and herbaceous. The fertile fronds are longer than the sterile fronds, and the upper strobiluses are twice pinnately branched and bear conical round sporangia. It is called "台灣大陰地蕨" in Taiwanese Chinese and "華東陰地蕨" (hua dong yin di jue) in Chinese.

Shu Suehiro