シシガシラ科ヒリュウシダ属の常緑性シダ類で、学名は Blechnum amabile。英名はありません。
"Osa-shida" (Blechnum amabile) belongs to the Blechnaceae family. It is an evergreen perennial fern that is endemic to Japan and distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu. This fern grows on mountain rocks and occasionally grows in large clumps. The leaves are of two forms, and both of them are unipennate compound. The sterile and fertile fronds are 20-40 cm long. The petioles of fertile fronds are tinged reddish purple. The pinnae are not valleculas on rachisesa. The Japanese name is derived from the reed of weaving machine.
[上・中1〜6] 山形県小国町小玉川にて、2018年11月11日撮影。 [中7〜中10] 同上にて、2017年05月31日撮影。 [中11・下] 山形県小国町小渡「赤芝峡」にて、2018年10月22日撮影。