おうれんしだ (王連羊歯)

Dennstaedtia wilfordii

Dennstaedtia wilfordii

Dennstaedtia wilfordii

わが国の各地をはじめ朝鮮半島から中国、インド北部にまで分布しています。石灰岩地に多く、涼しい山地の沢沿いや斜面に生え、高さは30〜70センチになります。根茎は地中を長く這います。葉は不規則な2〜3回羽状複葉で、光沢があります。葉柄の下部は黒褐色から赤褐色をしています。ソーラスは葉縁にでき、包膜はコップ形をしています。中国語では「溪洞碗蕨(xi dong wan jue)」と呼ばれます。
コバノイシカグマ科コバノイシカグマ属の夏緑性シダ類で、学名は Dennstaedtia wilfordii。英名はありません。 
"Ouren-shida" (Dennstaedtia wilfordii) belongs to Dennstaediaceae (the Bracken family). It is a perennial fern that is distributed throughout Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, China and northern India. It grows along streams and on slopes in cool mountainous areas and is often found in limestone areas, growing 30-70 cm tall. Rhizomes creep long underground. The leaves are irregular, 2-3 times pinnate, and glossy. The lower part of the petiole is blackish brown to reddish brown. The sorus are formed on the leaf margins and the indusium is cup-shaped. In Chinese, it is called "溪洞碗蕨" (xi dong wan jue). 

Shu Suehiro