オキシペタルム・カエルレウム (瑠璃唐綿)

Oxypetalum caeruleum

Oxypetalum caeruleum

ガガイモ科オキシペタルム属の常緑多年草で、学名は Oxypetalum aeruleum(syn. Tweedia caerulea)。英名は Tweedia、Southern star、Blue milkweed。 
The Tweedia (Oxypetalum aeruleum) belongs to Asclepiadaceae (the Milkweed family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is native to South America, from southern Brazil to Uruguay. It grows to about 1 m tall and is covered with white hairs. The leaves are oblong, opposite, and heart-shaped at the base. From May to September, cymes emerge from the leaf axils at the top of the stem and produce light purple to pale blue flowers. The corolla is star-shaped, with a secondary corona in the middle, and a stigma with an attached anther and stigma protruding from it. When the stem or leaves are cut, a white latex is produced, which contains alkaloids and is toxic. It is called "Ruri-towata" in Japanese and "Bluestar" in horticultural terms. 

Shu Suehiro