マメ科オヤマノエンドウ属の多年草で、学名は Oxytropis sp.(属の総称)。英名は Locoweed genus。
The locoweed genus (Oxytropis sp.) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed widely Eurasia and North America. The stem is creeping on the ground and bears leaves at the distal ends. The leaves are odd-pinnately compound and covered with silky hairs. The racemes are borne and bloom pink, purple, white or yellow papilionacenous flowers. The vexillums are most long and the keel petals are distinctive acute.
中国・北京市「天安門広場」にて、2009年04月25日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)