おぜこうほね (尾瀬河骨) [Index] [Back]

Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense

Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense

Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense

Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense

Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense

Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense

スイレン科コウホネ属の多年草で、学名は Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense。英名はありません。
The "Oze-koo-hone" (Nuphar pumilum var. ozeense) belongs to Nymphaeaceae (the Waterlily family). It is a perennial herb that is endemic to Japan, and distributed to Sorachi and Soya district of Hokkaido, Mount Gassan and Oze of Honshu. This herb grows in ponds and lakes, and can reach 20-100 cm in height. The rhizomes are creeping under grounds and bear the long petioles, and the round-cordate leaves float on the water. The yellow flowers bloom on the elongated flowering stalks from July to August. The corolla has petaloid sepals and spatulate petals. The flower is difined by the red, center stigma disk. It produces pyriform berries after flowering.
[上・中1〜2] 茨城県つくば市「つくば実験植物園」にて、2012年07月21日撮影。
[中3〜4・下] 群馬県片品村「尾瀬ヶ原」にて、2015年07月05日撮影。

Shu Suehiro