YListでは「はまやぶまお(浜藪苧麻)Boehmeria arenicola」のシノニムとされ、KEW GardenのPlants of the World Onlineでは、「かたばやぶまお(堅葉藪苧麻)Boehmeria x dura」のシノニムとしています。
イラクサ科カラムシ属の多年草で、学名は Boehmeria tenuifolia (syn. Boehmeria x tenuifolia)。英名はありません。
The "Usuba-raseita-so" (Boehmeria tenuifolia) belongs to Urticaceae (the Nettle family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed Chiba, Kanagawa and Wakayama prefectures in Honshu, and the Izu Islands in Japan. It grows on coastal cliffs and grows to a height of about 1 m. It is considered to be an intermediate type between "Raseita-so" and "Oni-yabu-mao". It is characterized by the larger serrations on the leaf margins compared to the "Raseita-so. The underside of the leaf is densely covered with short hairs.
YList lists it as a synonym of "Hama-yabumao" (Boehmeria arenicola), and KEW Garden's Plants of the World Online lists it as a synonym of "Kataba-yabu-mao" (Boehmeria x dura).