
ミカン科ミカン属の常緑低木で、学名は Citrus grandis (syn. Citrus maxima)。英名はありません。
'Ban-pei-yu' (Citrus grandis) belongs to Rutaceae (Citrus family). It is an evergreen small tree that is native to Malay Peninsula. It was introduced into Japan in early days of Showa Era (about 90 years ago). It is a form of Pomelo and defined by very large fruits. The fruit is 20-25 cm across and usually weighing between 1.5-3 kg. They are pale yellowish-green, distinctive sweet flavored and soft taste. It is ripen later than Pomelo. Nowadays, 'Ban-pei-yu' is a signature agricultural product of Kumamoto prefecture.
名古屋市守山区「東谷山フルーツパーク」にて、 2007年12月06日撮影。