
矮性キャベンディッシュ種の突然変異に起源をもつ園芸品種です。高さは3〜4.5メートルになります。長くて、非常に大きなつぼみが特徴です。果実は甘くて美味しく、商業的に栽培される「バナナ」のひとつとなっています。Musa acuminata の3倍体です。
バショウ科バショウ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Musa acuminata cv. Williams hybrid。英名は Banana 'Williams hybrid'。
Banana 'Williams hybrid' belongs to the Musaceae (the Banana family). It is an evergreen perennial herb that is a cultivar originated from a mutation of Dwarf Cavendish. It is also called 'Giant Cavendish'. This herb can reach 3-4.5 m in height. It has a distinct long and very large bud. The fruits are sweet and delicious. It is one of the main bananas in commerce. It is a triploid (AAA) of Musa acuminata.