The "Beni-naginata-take" (Clavulinopsis miyabeana) belongs to the family Clavariaceae. It is a fungus that is distributed throughout Japan, Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, and China. It grows on the ground under coniferous and broadleaf forests from summer to fall, and is 5 to 15 cm tall. At first cylindrical and smooth, it matures to become pointed, flattened, twisted and bent, and scarlet to reddish-orange in color. The sporocarp is edible but not tasty. The Japanese name is derived from the fact that the sporocarp is stick-shaped, resembles a "naginata" (long-handled sword), and is reddish in color. In Taiwanese, it is called "宮部擬鎖瑚菌" or "紅擬鎖瑚菌".