べにてんぐたけ (紅天狗茸) [Index] [Back]

Amanita muscaria

Amanita muscaria

Amanita muscaria

Amanita muscaria

テングタケ科テングタケ属のキノコ類で、学名は Amanita muscaria。英名は Fly agaric。
The Fly agaric (Amanita muscaria) belongs to Amanitaceae (the Amanita family). It is a poisonous fungus that is distributed throughout Japan, also widely Asia, Europe and North America. This fungus grows in various deciduous and coniferous tree forests, and can reach 10-20 cm in height. The mushroom cap is 6-15 cm in diameter and its color is red to orange or yellow-orange. It has visible white scales on the surface. Fly agaric is familiar as a symbol of happiness in Europe.
[上] イギリス・ドーセット州クライストチャーチにて、2009年09月26日撮影。(photo by Jouette Travis)
[中1〜2・下] アメリカ・コロラド州「ジェム湖」にて、2017年08月16日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)

Shu Suehiro