
シュウカイドウ科シュウカイドウ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Begonia x benariensis。英名は Big Begonia。
The Big Begonia is a cultivar developed by Benary Seed of Germany. It was created by crossing "Cane-like begonia" and "Semperflorens Group begonias". The stems are fleshy and well-branched, measuring 45-60 cm in height. The leaves are green or bronze and have a heart shape and luster. It blooms in four seasons and blooms large red, deep rose pink and pink flowers. It keeps blooming for a long time from spring until it frosts, and it blooms even in winter if the temperature is 10 degrees Celsius or higher.
[上・中1〜2] 宮城県仙台市宮城野区にて、2021年09月16日撮影。 [下] 宮城県大河原町大谷にて、2023年10月20日撮影。