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Bucida buceras

Bucida buceras

Bucida buceras

Bucida buceras

シクンシ科ブキダ属の常緑高木で、学名は Bucida buceras。英名は Black olive tree、Bullet tree。 
The black olive tree (Bucida buceras) belongs to the Combretaceae family. It is a tall evergreen tree that is native to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, and northern South America. This tree grows in coastal swamps and wet inland forests, and up to 12-15 m high, 90 cm in trunk across. The leaves are dark bluish-green, leathery, oblanceolate to obovate and clustered at branch tips. The fruits are ovate, black, capsules and ripen in late summer. The wood is extremely hard and durable. 
アメリカ・フロリダ州「エジソン&フォード・ウィンター・エステート」にて、2011年09月28日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro) 

Shu Suehiro