
南アフリカから熱帯アフリカに広く分布しています。夏季降雨地域に生え、地上に顔をだした直径15センチほどの鱗茎から灰緑色の葉を扇状につけます。葉の縁は波状にうねります。葉が展開する前の7月から10月ごろ、花茎の先端に「ひがんばな」に似た花序をつけ、甘い芳香のあるピンク色から赤色の花を咲かせます。この鱗茎は有毒で、ブッシュマンの人々は矢毒に利用してきました。また英名の「Sore-eye flower」は、密室の中でこの花に晒されるとただれ目や頭痛を引き起こすことから。
ユリ科ブーファネ属の多年草で、学名は Boophane disticha。英名は Century plant、Poison bulb、Sore-eye flower。
The century plant (Boophane disticha) belongs to Liliaceae (the Lily family). It is a perennial herb that is widely distributed from South Africa to tropical Africa. This herb grows in the summer rainfall regions. The grayish green leaves are borne in fan-like fashion from the bulb that is about 15 cm across and appears on the ground. The edges of the leaves swell in a wave pattern. It gives an inflorescence similar to "Red spider lily" to the tip of the flower stalk from July to October before the leaves develop, and bloom pink to red flowers with sweet fragrance. This bulb is toxic, and Bushman people have used it for poisoning. Also, the English name "Sore-eye flower" is unlikely to cause eyes and headaches when exposed to this flower in a closed room.