ふじだけ (富士竹) [Index] [Back]

Sinobambusa tootsik f. maeshimana

Sinobambusa tootsik f. maeshimana

Sinobambusa tootsik f. maeshimana

Sinobambusa tootsik f. maeshimana

イネ科トウチク属の単軸型タケ類で、学名は Sinobambusa tootsik f. maeshimana。英名はありません。
"Fuji-dake" (Sinobambusa tootsik f. maeshimana) belongs to Poaceae (the Grass family). It is a single culm form bamboo and a form of "To-chiku" (Sinobambusa tootsik) which is unknown its country of origin. We can not find more information.

Shu Suehiro