
マメ科フジキ属の落葉高木で、学名は Cladrastis platycarpa。英名はありません。
"Fujiki" (Cladrastis platycarpa) belongs to Fabaceae (the Pea family). It is a deciduous tree that is distributed westward from Fukushima prefecture of Honshu to Shikoku of Japan, and as well as central China. This tree grows in mountains and can reach about 20 m in height. The leaves are usually impari-pinnate compound with 5-13 ovate-oblong leaflets. The small stipulars are arranged at the base of leaflets. The panicles are borne at the terminal branches, and the white papilionacenous flowers bloom from June to July. The fruits are broad linear seed pods, and do not split open when mature.