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Microlepia pseudostrigosa

Microlepia pseudostrigosa

わが国の本州、関東地方南部から東海地方、伊豆諸島、それに朝鮮半島や中国、ベトナムに分布しています。山地の林下に生え、高さは70〜110センチになります。葉は2回羽状複葉で暗黄緑色から緑色、厚い草質です。側羽片は30〜35対あります。葉柄基部には、淡褐色の毛が密に生えます。ソーラスは裂片の辺縁に近くにつき、円形から扁楕円形、包膜は茶色で円形から腎形です。中国語では「假粗毛鱗蓋蕨(jia cu mao lin gai jue)」と呼ばれます。
コバノイシカグマ科フモトシダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Microlepia pseudostrigosa。英名はありません。
The "Fumoto-kaguma" (Microlepia pseudostrigosa) belongs to Dennstaediaceae (the Bracken family). It is an evergreen fern that is distributed from the southern Kanto region to the Tokai region in Honshu, the Izu Islands in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, China and Vietnam. It grows in the forests of mountains and is 70 to 110 cm tall. The leaves are bipinnate compound, dark yellow-green to green in color, and thick and grassy. There are 30 to 35 pairs of lateral pinnae. The base of the leaf stalk is densely covered in light brown hairs. The sorus is attached near the margin of the lobes, and is round to elliptic, with a brown, round to kidney-shaped indisum. In Chinese, it is called "假粗毛鱗蓋蕨" (jia cu mao lin gai jue).

Shu Suehiro