
オトギリソウ科オトギリソウ属の多年草で、学名は Hypericum kamtschaticum。英名はありません。
The "Hai-otogiri" (Hypericum kamtschaticum) belongs to the family Clusiaceae. It is a perennial herb that is native to Hokkaido and North East Asia. This herb grows on sub-alpine to alpine screes or grasslands, and can reach 15-50 cm in height. The leaves are ovate, opposite and have black dots mainly on the edges. The yellow flowers, 2.5-3 cm across bloom from July to August. They last one day.
[上・中1] 北海道斜里郡清里町「斜里岳」にて、2011年08月01日撮影。(photo by Aya Suehiro) [中2〜4・下] 北海道上川町「大雪山・黒岳」にて、2020年09月21日撮影。