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Arachniodes simplicior

Arachniodes simplicior

Arachniodes simplicior

わが国の本州、福島県以西から四国・九州、それに中国に分布しています。山地の林下に生え、高さは50〜100センチになります。葉は2回羽状複葉で濃い緑色、光沢があり、硬い紙質です。葉柄は長さ20〜65センチあります。羽片は3〜5対あり、頂羽片ははっきりしています。ソーラスは裂片の縁と中肋の中間につき、包膜は褐色から暗褐色で円腎形です。和名は、葉に縦縞の斑が入り、博多織に似ていることから。中国語では「長尾複葉耳蕨(chang wei fu ye er jue)」と呼ばれます。
オシダ科カナワラビ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Arachniodes simplicior。英名はありません。
The "Hakata-shida" (Arachniodes simplicior) belongs to the family Dryopteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed from Fukushima Prefecture of Honshu west to Shikoku, Kyushu in Japan and China. It grows in the forests of mountainous areas and is 50 to 100 cm tall. The leaves are dark green, glossy, and stiff, with a bipinnate compound structure. The petiole is 20 to 65 cm long. There are 3 to 5 pairs of pinnae, with a distinct terminal pinna. The sorus is located halfway between the edge of the lobes and the midrib, and the bract is brown to dark brown and reniform. The Japanese name comes from the fact that the leaves have vertical stripes, similar to Hakata textiles. In Chinese, it is called "長尾複葉耳蕨" (chang wei fu ye er jue).

Shu Suehiro