アカネ科ハクチョウゲ属の常緑低木で、学名は Serissa japonica。英名は Tree of a thousand stars。
Tree of a thousand stars (Serissa japonica) belongs to Rubiaceae (the Madder family). And it is a small evergreen tree that is distributed to China, Taiwan and the Indo-china Peninsula. It is native to the Okinawa Islands, and has been cutivated as a garden tree or hedges from long ago. This tree are much-branched and can reach 50-100 cm in height. The leaves are oblong to oblaceolate. The white to pale purple flowers appear from May to June.
[上・中1] 群馬県前橋市「ぐんまフラワーパーク」にて、2008年09月21日撮影。 [中2] 大阪府四条畷市清滝中町にて、2002年05月06日撮影。 [下] 茨城県神栖市土合西にて、2008年06月09日撮影。