
アオイ科ゼニアオイ属の一年草で、学名は Malva trimestris (syn. Althaea trimestris、Lavatera trimestris)。英名は Annual mallow、Rose mallow。
The Annual mallow (Malva trimestris) belongs to Malvaceae (the Mallow family). It is an annual herb that is native to the Mediterranean region. It grows in meadows. It grows to a height of about 120 cm. The stem is erect or oblique, with some bristles. The leaves are nearly circular, heart-shaped at the base, and have three to seven lobes at the top. Bright pink flowers bloom in the leaf axils from April to July. Numerous varieties have been produced for horticultural use.
イギリス・ランカシャー州プレストンにて、2023年08月10日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)