
ユキノシタ科チダケサシ属の多年草で、学名は Astilbe thunbergii var. formos。英名はありません。
"Hana-chidake-sashi" (Astilbe thunbergii var. formos) belongs to Saxifragaceae (the Saxifrage family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed in Chubu regions of Honshu in Japan. It grows in sunny, slightly moist forests and grassland on slopes, and grows to a height of about 70 cm. The leaves are 3 times triternate pinnately compound with biserrations on the edges. Large, conical racemes are produced at the top of the stem from July to August. The tips of the inflorescence do not droop much, and small white flowers are produced. The petals are long spatulate and more than twice as long as the stamens. It can be distinguished from the "Chidake-sashi" (Astilbe microphylla) by its nearly pure white flower color and obliquely ascending stem.