
ƒUƒNƒ‰ÈƒUƒNƒ‘®‚Ì—Ž—t¬‚–Ø‚ÅAŠw–¼‚Í Punica granatum cv. PlenifloraB‰p–¼‚Í Double pomegranateB
The Double pomegranate (Punica granatum cv. Pleniflora) belongs to Punicaceae (the Pomegranate family). It is a semi-tall decidous tree that is a cultivar of Pomegranate; native to the eastern Mediterranean through north-west India. This tree can reach 5-6 m in height, and the oblong leaves are opposite. It produces double-flowers, scarlet-red or scarlet with white variegated margin in June. This cultivar is usually sterile.
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