ゴマノハグサ科ヘーベ属の常緑小低木で、学名は Hebe diosmifolia。英名はありません。
The Hebe diosmifolia belongs to Scrophulariaceae (the Figwort family). It is an evergreen shrub that is found only in parts of the North Island of New Zealand. It grows in shrubby bushes and grows to about 1 m tall. The leaves are lanceolate to ovate-oblong elliptic and dark green in color. They tend to be flattened with finely serrated edges. In late spring, it produces corymbs at the ends of its branches and produces pale wisteria-colored flowers. This variety is widely planted throughout New Zealand.
ニュージーランド・ウェストコースト地方ハースト町区にて、2003年12月30日撮影。(photo by Jon Suehiro)