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Cyathea spinulosa

Cyathea spinulosa

Cyathea spinulosa

Cyathea spinulosa

Cyathea spinulosa

Cyathea spinulosa

Cyathea spinulosa

ヘゴ科ヘゴ属の常緑木性シダ類で、学名は Cyathea spinulosa。英名は Large spiny tree fern。
The Large spiny tree fern (Cyathea spinulosa) belongs to Cyatheaceae (the Tree-fern family). It is an evergreen tree fern that is distributed to south-western Shikoku, southern Kyushu and Ryukyu islands, and Taiwan, southern and Eastsouth Asia, This fern grows in open woodlands and can reach up to 4 m in height. The rhizome is erect and the fronds are radiating on the top of rhizome. The frond are up to 2 m long. The petioles are purple-brown and have many spines and dark brown scales.
[上・中1] 福島県いわき市「いわき市フラワーセンター」にて、2010年01月23日撮影。
[中2] 群馬県安中市「碓氷川熱帯植物園」にて、2008年12月06日撮影。
[中3〜5・下] 東京都新宿区「新宿御苑」にて、2019年12月24日撮影。

Shu Suehiro