ヘンリーづた (ヘンリー蔦)

Parthenocissus henryana

Parthenocissus henryana

Parthenocissus henryana

Parthenocissus henryana

ブドウ科ツタ属の落葉木本で、学名は Parthenocissus henryana。英名は Silver vein creeper、Chinese Virginia creeper。 
The silver vein creeper (Parthenocissus henryana) belongs to Vitaceae (the Grape family). It is a decidous vine that is distributed from Gansu and Henan provinces in central China to Yunnan and Guangxi provinces in central and southern China. This vine stretches by adsorbing tendrils and is 4.5-6 m long. The leaves are palmate compounds with ovate-elliptic leaflets. New leaves are reddish, and adult leaves have silvery white mottles along the veins. It also turns red in fall. From June to August, inconspicuous yellow-green flowers bloom. It has cold resistance and shade tolerant, and is used for landscaping. 
[上・中1] 大阪府四条畷市清滝中町にて、2006年10月15日撮影。
[中2・下] 東京都新宿区「新宿御苑」にて、2019年12月24日撮影。 

Shu Suehiro