アオギリ科サキシマスオウノキ属の常緑高木で、学名は Heritiera actinophylla。英名は Black booyong。
The Black booyong (Heritiera actinophylla) belongs to the family Sterculiaceae. It is a tall evergreen tree that is found in the eastern part of Australia, from Queensland to New South Wales. It grows in rainforests and can grow up to 50 m tall. The bark is gray to dark gray and peels off in scales. The leaves are palmately compound, with 5 to 9 lanceolate to oblanceolate leaflets. In summer, it produces conical inflorescences full of small yellowish-white flowers. The fruit is a winged fruit that ripens to a brown color.
オーストラリア・シドニー市「カンバーランド州有林」にて、2006年07月16日撮影。(photo by Yumi Gunji)