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Polypogon fugax

Polypogon fugax

Polypogon fugax

Polypogon fugax

わが国の本州から四国・九州、それに台湾や朝鮮半島、中国、シベリア、インドやアフリカに分布しています。日当たり良い湿地に生え、桿の高さは20〜50センチになります。葉は広線形でやわらく、白緑色を帯びます。6月から8月ごろ、茎頂に円錐花序をだします。花序の枝は、開花するにつれ、横に開きます。台湾華語では「棒頭草」、中国語では「棒頭草(bang tou cao)」と呼ばれます。
イネ科ヒエガエリ属の二年草で、学名は Polypogon fugax。英名は Asia Minor bluegrass。
The Asia Minor bluegrass (Polypogon fugax) belongs to Poaceae (the Grass family). It is a biennial herb that is distributed from Honshu to Shikoku and Kyushu of Japan, as well as Taiwan, the Korean Peninsula, China Siberia, India and Africa. This herb grows in sunny marshed and can reach 20-50 cm in height. The leaves are broad linear, soft and tinged white-green. The panicles are borned on the stem apices and bloom the flowers from June to August. The cluster-branches open sideways on the flowering period. In Taiwanese Chinese, it is called "棒頭草" and "棒頭草" (bang tou cao).

Shu Suehiro