ひげながすずめのちゃひき (髭長雀の茶挽) [Index] [Back]

Bromus rigidus

Bromus rigidus

Bromus rigidus

イネ科スズメノチャヒキ属の一年草で、学名は Bromus rigidus。英名は Ripgut brome。
The Ripgut brome (Bromus rigidus) belongs to Poaceae (Grass family). It is native to southern and western Europe, and North Africa. It was introduced into Japan in the early Taisho Era (1912-1926), and spreads over land after the war. This herb occurs in roadsides or waste lands and can reach 40-70 cm in height. The leaves are linear and pubescent on the both surfaces. The panicles are borne on the stem apices from June to July. The each cluster-branches arrange 1-2 spikelets with 3-5 cm long aristae.

Shu Suehiro