ひろはほうきぎく (広葉箒菊)

Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis

Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis

Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis

Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis

キク科シオン属の一年草で、学名は Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis。英名は Southern annual saltmarsh aster。
The Southern annual saltmarsh aster (Aster subulatus var. sandwicensis) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is an annual herb tat is native to southern North America. It was confirmed that naturalization of this species in nothern Kyushu of Japan in the 1960s. Nowadays, it is naturalized westward from Kanto district of Honshu to Kyushu. The leaves are narrow oblong to linear oblong. The cluster-branches open widely. The pale pink flowerheads 7-9 mm across come in August to October. The ray flowers convolute outside after flowering and the pappi do not grow out immediately.
[上・中1〜2] 茨城県神栖市「波崎海岸砂丘植物公園」にて、2007年10月11日撮影。
[下] 大阪府四條畷市田原台「えびす公園」にて、2001年10月05日撮影。

Shu Suehiro