
モチノキ科モチノキ属の常緑低木で、学名は Ilex leucoclada。英名はありません。
"Hime-mochi" (Ilex leucoclada) belongs to Aquifoliaceae (the Holly family). It is a small evergreen tree that is native to Hokkaido and the Japan Sea side of Honshu of Japan. This tree grows in the mountain forests of heavy-snow region and it can reach about 1 m in height. The young branches are green. The leaves are oblong, entire ot very fine toothed edges. It is dioecious. The small white flowers bloom at the axils from May to July. The fruits are drupes and ripen red in September through October.
[上・中1] 長野県小谷村「栂の森遊歩道」にて、2005年07月11日撮影。 [中2] 福島県北塩原村「猫魔ヶ岳」にて、2014年06月14日撮影。 [中3〜6・下] 福島県北塩原村「雄国山」にて、2014年06月15日撮影。