ひめつばき (姫椿)

Schima wallichii

Schima wallichii

わが国の九州、奄美大島以南から沖縄、それに中国南部や東南アジアに分布しています。山地の明るい林内や林縁に生え、高さは10メートルほどになります。樹皮は暗褐色で大きな皮目があり、葉は楕円形から卵形で互生します。葉の縁には浅い鋸歯があります。3月から5月ごろ、枝先の葉腋に白い花を咲かせます。樹皮にはタンニンが含まれ、染料や魚毒に利用されます。別名では沖縄の方言で「いじゅ(伊集)」とも呼ばれます。中国名では「紅木荷(hong mu he)」。 
ツバキ科ヒメツバキ属の常緑高木で、学名は Schima wallichii。英名はありません。 
"Hime-tsubaki" (Schima wallichii) belongs to Theaceae (the Tea family). It is a tall evergreen tree that is distributed frombAmami-Oshima Island southward to Okinawa in Kyushu, Japan, as well as in southern China and Southeast Asia. It grows in light forests and forest margins in mountainous areas and grows to a height of about 10 m. The bark is dark brown and has large striations, and the leaves are elliptic to ovate and alternate. White flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves at the ends of branches from March to May. The bark contains tannin, which is used as a dye and fish poison. It is also called "伊集" (iju) in the Okinawan dialect. Its Chinese name is "紅木荷" (hong mu he). 

Shu Suehiro