
ナデシコ科ワチガイソウ属の多年草で、学名は Pseudostellaria heterantha var. linearifolia。英名はありません。
"Hina-wachigai-so" (Pseudostellaria heterantha var. linearifolia) belongs to Caryophyllaceae (the Carnation family). It is a perennial herb that is native to Kanto and Chubu district of Honshu and Shikoku. This herb grows rarely in forest edges on mountains and it can reach 5-15 cm in height. The leaves are linear-lanceolate and arranged in opposite. The white five petaled flowers bloom on the axillary peducles of upper part of stems from April to May. The corolla has interspaces of petals and the long stamens are same size as the petals.