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Carex lanceolata

Carex lanceolata

Carex lanceolata

わが国の各地をはじめ、朝鮮半島や中国、北東アジア一帯に分布しています。山野の日の当たる乾いたところや岩場などに生え、高さは10〜40センチになります。また大きな株立ちになります。葉は細長く、幅1.5〜2ミリで、長さは15〜40センチになります。葉は成長すると、立ち気味に出て柔らかな曲線を描いて先端が垂れ下がります。4月から6月ごろ、細い花茎を伸ばして、上部に小穂を3〜6個つけます。頂小穂は褐色、雄性で長さ10〜15ミリ。側小穂は雌性で長さ10〜20ミリです。中国語では「大披針薹草(da pi zhen tai cao)」と呼ばれます。 
カヤツリグサ科スゲ属の多年草で、学名は Carex lanceolata。英名は Lanceolate sedge。 
The Lanceolate sedge (Carex lanceolata) belongs to Cyperaceae (the Sedge family). It is a perennial herb that is distributed throughout Japan, the Korean Peninsula, China, and northeast Asia. It grows in dry, sunny places and rocky areas in the hills and fields. It grows 10 to 40 cm tall, and also grows in large bushy clumps. The leaves are slender, 1.5 to 2 mm wide, and 15 to 40 cm long. As it grows, the leaves emerge erect and droop at the tips in a soft curve. From April to June, it grows a thin flower stalk with 3 to 6 spikelets at the top. The acrogyrous spikelets are brown, male, and 10 to 15 mm long. The pleurogerous spikelets are female and 10 to 20 mm long. In Chinese, it is called "大披針薹草" (da pi zhen tai cao). 

Shu Suehiro