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Cryptoporus volvatus

Cryptoporus volvatus

サルノコシカケ科ヒトクチタケ属の一年生キノコ類で、学名は Cryptoporus volvatus。英名は Veiled polypore。
The veiled polypore (Cryptoporus volvatus) belongs to Polyporaceae (the Bracket fungi family). It is an annual fungus that is distributed all over Japan, East Asia, northern and the western United States. This fungus grows on pines that died less than one years ago from early spring to summer. The fruiting body looks like clam and 1.5-6.5 cm wide, 1-2.5 cm thick. The upper surface is smooth, shiny, reddish-brown to brown. It exudes a stockfish-like smell. This mushroom is no edible.

Shu Suehiro