The "Hodaira-kabu" (Brassica rapa var. rapa) belongs to Brassicaceae (the Mustard family). It is an annual or a biennial herb that is a variety of turnip that originated in Europe and Central Asia and was introduced to Japan from China during the Yayoi period (about 1700-2300 years ago). It has been cultivated as an emergency crop at the famine in limited areas of Nagawa in Matsumoto City and Otaki Village, Nagano Prefecture since the Edo period (about 150-400 years ago). The leaves are large, spatula-shaped and glossy, similar to "Nozawa-na". The rhizome is long ovate-shaped and reddish in color. The leaves and rhizome are pickled in vinegar, and the taste is less pungent and more sweet than "Hida-aka-kabura".