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Atractylodes lancea

Atractylodes lancea

Atractylodes lancea

中国が原産です。山地の森林や草原、茂みなどに生え、高さは60〜80センチになります。わが国へは江戸時代の享保年間(1716-1736)ころに薬用として渡来したといわれています。茎は直立し、ときおり分枝します。葉は卵状披針形または狭披針形で革質、先端は尖って、縁にも尖った鋸歯があります。9月から10月ごろ、花茎をだして、白色の頭花を咲かせます。花冠は管状花のみからなっています。わが国で栽培しているのは雄株だけなので、結実はしません。根茎は、アトラクチロジンなどの成分を含み、健胃や整腸、利尿などの作用があります。中国語では「蒼朮(cang shu)」と呼ばれます。 
キク科オケラ属の多年草で、学名は Atractylodes lancea。英名は Cang shu。 
The Cang shu (Atractylodes lancea) belongs to Asteraceae (the Aster family). It is a perennial herb that is native to China. It grows in forests, grasslands, and bushes in mountainous areas, and grows 60 to 80 cm tall. It is said to have been introduced to Japan for medicinal purposes around the Kyoho period (1716-1736) during the Edo period. The stem is erect and sometimes branched. The leaves are ovate-lanceolate or narrowly lanceolate and leathery, with pointed tips and serrated edges. From September to October, it produces flower stalks and white flower heads. The corolla consists of only disk florets. Since only male plants are cultivated in Japan, they do not bear fruit. The rhizome contains atractylodine and other ingredients that have stomachic, intestinal, diuretic, and other effects. In Chinese, it is called "蒼朮" (cang shu). 

Shu Suehiro