ほしだ (穂羊歯) [Index] [Back]

Thelypteris acuminata

Thelypteris acuminata

Thelypteris acuminata

Thelypteris acuminata

わが国の本州、福島県以西から四国・九州、それに朝鮮半島や中国南部、インドシナ半島などに分布しています。山野や道ばたなどに生え、高さは30〜80センチになります。葉は2回羽状複葉で緑色、やや光沢があり、紙質です。羽片は10〜20対ついて、頂羽片は槍の穂先のように細長くなります。葉面には毛は生えません。ソーラスは円形で、中肋と辺縁の中間からやや辺縁寄りにつき、包膜は円腎形で毛がまばらに生えます。中国語では「漸尖毛蕨(jian jian mao jue)」と呼ばれます。
ヒメシダ科ヒメシダ属の常緑シダ類で、学名は Thelypteris acuminata (syn. Cyclosorus acuminatus)。英名はありません。
The "Ho-shida" (Thelypteris acuminata) belongs to the family Thelypteridaceae. It is an evergreen fern that is distributed from Fukushima Prefecture of Honshu westward to Shikoku and Kyushu in Japan, as well as the Korean Peninsula, southern China, and the Indochina Peninsula. It grows in mountains and along roadsides, and is 30-80 cm tall. The leaves are bipinnate compound, green, slightly shiny, and papery. There are 10 to 20 pairs of pinnae, and the terminal pinnae are long and slender like the tip of a spear. The leaf surface is hairless. The sorus is circular, with the indisum sparsely hairy and kidney-shaped, and is situated midway between the midrib and the limbus. In Chinese, it is called "漸尖毛蕨" (jian jian mao jue).

Shu Suehiro