ほうざんつづらふじ (宝山葛藤) [Index] [Back]

Cocculus sarmentosus

Cocculus sarmentosus

ツヅラフジ科アオツヅラフジ属の常緑多年草で、学名は Cocculus sarmentosus。英名はありません。
"Hozan-tsuzura-fuji" (Cocculus sarmentosus) belongs to the Menispermaceae family. It is an evergreen vine that is distrubuted to Tokunoshima of the Ryukyu Islands, as well as Taiwan, South China, Southeastern Asia and India. It is related to "Ao-tsuzura-fuji" (Cocculus trilobus). The leaves are broad ovate or ovate-cordate and occasionally three lobed. The small clusters are borne at the axils and the yellowish-white flowers bloom in July through August. The fruits are globose drupes and ripen black with powdery white in fall.

Shu Suehiro